Social Networking Resources

Social media is an opportunity to get timely updates related to wildfire in New Mexico, and to learn more about resources that are available.

The New Mexico State Forestry Division (Forestry) retains lead responsibility for wildlandfire management on non-federal and non-municipal lands, maintaining fire suppression capacities and emphasizing firefighter and public safety. Forestry promotes healthy, sustainable forests in New Mexico for the benefit of current and future generations.Sign up for New Mexico State Forestry's free wildfire email alert service.

Twitter Logo for use on Additional Resources - Social Media page.Twitter:

  • Weather: @NWSAlbuquerque
  • Southwest Coordination Center provides updates on almost every fire, big and small, in New Mexico: @SWCCNewsNotes
  • NM Emergency Management: @NMDHSEM
  • NM State Forestry: @NMStateForestry
  • NM Fire Info: @NMFireInfo
  • Information on National Forests: @USFSSouthwest; @SantaFeNF; @CarsonNF; @CIBOLA_NF; @LincolnUSForest; @gilanforest

Facebook logo for use on social media resources.Facebook